From AI Creativity to Inspiring Connections (How October Fueled my Growth)

Let me take you behind the scenes of the latest episode of ‘AI Literacy for Entrepreneurs’. This week, we dropped an episode that’s been brewing for quite some time: "AI and Creativity - How to Collaborate with AI Without Losing Your Voice".

When I focussed this podcast entirely on AI, I knew it was because I wanted to help founder-led teams understand AI. Not just as a tool but as a strategic in their creative journey.

In our latest episode, I break down something that a lot of creatives fear: losing their unique voice to AI-generated content. 

Instead of fighting it, what if we collaborated? 
What if AI wasn’t a threat to creativity, but a way to amplify it?

I take you through how to use AI as your second brain, a creative partner that enhances your storytelling without overshadowing the personal touch. If you’ve ever felt the tension between automation and authenticity, this episode is for you.

Event Highlights from October

October was also a huge month for learning and connection. I had the chance to attend, speak, and learn at some incredible events that pushed my thinking to new levels. Here’s a quick snapshot:

🎤 Revival Business with Liat Horovitz

I had the privilege of speaking to a room full of inspiring female entrepreneurs about AI's transformative power in business. This event, hosted by Results Coach Liat Horovitz was all about rejuvenating your business strategy, finding your purpose, and making an impact.

🌟 AI Success Blueprint with Zina Solomon

Another event where I got to share insights on how AI can truly change the game for small business owners. Zina Solomon brought together a full roster of experts to talk AI. Seeing firsthand the excitement and curiosity around AI is such a rewarding experience for me as an educator in this space.

🤝 Corporate Connections Toronto Chapter Meeting with Laural Carr

The power of connections cannot be overstated. I attended a meeting virtually with board member Laural Carr, who is also a fellow member of CAWEE (Canadian Association of Women Executives and Entrepreneurs). Laural presented on Kolbe (which she is brilliant at and has previously chatted about on my podcast). Good vibes. Great content.

💬 The Elevate Experience with Julie Greenham

A wonderful opportunity to elevate my own mindset, thanks to Julie Greenham. This event focused on nurturing the often-overlooked elements of entrepreneurship: wellness, presence, and calm - a refreshing contrast to the relentless pursuit of "more".

💸 The Wealth Consciousness Experience in Chicago with Shamina Taylor

At the end of October I took time to focus on my personal development, especially my mindset as i vision and create cool things with AI. Shamina Taylor has a way of helping people unlock their potential and connect financial growth with internal alignment. I had the pleasure of travelling with long-term business buddy Suzanne Huber, and we met another friend, Maiko Sakai who joined us at the event from New York. Our two day event really became a 36 hours retreat to Chicago with so many light bulb moments that we’re all still processing.

These events were more than calendar items - they were opportunities to challenge myself, to connect, and to learn. 

Recommended AI Reading

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If you’re ready to bring AI into your business meaningfully, join the Marketing Power Circle. Let's navigate this new landscape together and implement AI at quantum speed.


Using AI Without Losing your Voice - an Approach for Personal Brands


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